Saturday, 6 October 2007

Know Thyself

When as a child, I asked my mother
Pray why am I born in this world
She dazed and paused but smiled and said
"Dear,to grow,earn and live well".

Live well I did and years rolled by
Yet my quest remained unanswered
And so I asked my Kith and Kin
Pray why am I born in this world?

Ofcourse they said in corus aloud
To look after us all well
I smelt their greed but took all in stride
The quest remained unanswered.

As I grew in age and wisdom
With my hair turning grey
I asked myself the unanswered quest
Pray why am I born in this world?

Lo and Behold the answer came
That I knew was right comjng from my heart
To know MY SELF and the SELF IN ME
And to see the same in my Fellow Hearts.

As I pondered well and deep
Clarity followed like the Day after Dawn
Birth I will have again and again
Till the Self In Me Is Seen By Me In All.

Composed By ---BAIYU Mumbai Jan 2002
@rights not copy.

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