Tuesday, 31 August 2010


As I glance thro' News Prints
Or sit before the 'Idiot Box
I stumble upon the same News
Be it Day,Eve or Dark.

I find every day without a fail
Murder at one or other place
Or a woman struggling to protect her chaste
Or ill health Infants resigned to fate.

If this were not enough to grieve
I find Man fighting with his Fellowman
To snatch the belongings of one by the other
Always in trance without a Stance.

I know Mother Nature provides to All
Enough to meet the genguine needs of man
Tis the Man who creates misery on his own
Trying to meet his unsatiable wants.

Nature shows her fury then
Thro'Rains,Floods and Fireballs thrown
With these wiping off the crops and grains
Man standing helpless gets torn and tossed around.

While in Richness man forgets the God
Thinking every success of his as his own
In grief he looks to God above
To protect him from sliding down the hill.

Is it to draw the man towards Him
That God creates such tantrum moves
So that "If Goodness leads him not
Yet Weariness may toss him to His breast".

Composed by BAIYU ----------London ---------August 2010


sulochi said...

the poem is very thought provoking
i wish every human asks himself bout his purpose of being born
If only man changes his ways and gets drawn to God, the world would be a much better place to live in. But considering what is happening day in and day out, is it too much to expect this?

Baiyu said...

dear Sulo,
Thanks for Ur feedback.I agree with you,considering what is happening day in and day out it does appear too much to expect to happen what I have attempted to express in my poem.On my part I will continue to to release my such writings in my blog to get mental satisfaction if not for anything else.I invite U to go thro'my other poems as well expressing similar thoughts and share your feedbacks with me.