Saturday, 13 June 2009

Tell Me Why ?

Preface:This poem specially composed by the composer (self)in memory of Mycale, a friend of the composer who died four years ago in a road accident near London under circumstances close to what the composer has attempted to narrate in a poetic form in this poem which is dedicated to my dear friend ,who is no more.May His soul rest in peace.

Tell Me Why ?
I pray U tell me why
Tis not always 'Right is Right'
I learned this in a painful way
From what happened to my friend Mycale.

I remember that fateful night
Mycale gone for a Drinks Delight
True to what his Mom had preached
Stuck to plain Soda for a Hard Drinks treat.

Mycale knew he was in the right
Felt proud of his Mom always by his side
Kept to his promise would not drink and drive
Even as others in the Treat tempted him to do otherwise.

But Mycale true to his promise to Mom
Kept to his soda thro'out the Treat
The party came to a final halt
One and all started back home to retreat.

As his car moved on to the road
And Mycale started driving back home
Another car at a break neck speed
Hit Mycale's car like a Thunder Bolt.

As he lay there screaming out of pain
He heard one cop telling another
Twas the other one drunk to his brim
Price for this poor Mycale had to bear.

Lest his Mom would think otherwise
Mycale poured out his heart for her to hear
Swearing by name took no hard drinks
As he had promised his mom dear.

Twas the other one for the fault of whom
Poor Mycale was paying the price
This he wanted his mom to know
But could not convey before he died.

His Mom may hear his cry from heaven above
What wrong he had done to meet this Fate ?
When he served his mom true to her preach
Why has He to pay for Someone else's breach?

This may remain unanswered for all time to come
Lord alone can answer Mycale in His heavenly abode
I can see but this from Mycale's Fate
Tis not always Right is Right.

But lest a wrong message gets spread
I stand to correct my instant stance
While a Right may not always be right
A Wrong for sure can never be right

Composed by BAIYU Mumbai 12 June 2009

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