Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Powerful Weapon

A Powerful Weapon
Every one has in him
A powerful weapon to show his inner skill.
A tiny brush plays this role
For a Painter to depict his painting skills.

So is a Singer gifted with a melodious voice
Opens his heart out as he sets to singh
A Dancer uses his eyes and moves
To soothe the ambience and gladen the mass.

A Spaker uses words to convey his thoughts
And so does a Poet thro' Rhythmic lines
A Saint uses Silence as his weapon
As he conveys his thoughts to people at large.

If there be any amongst us
Not possessing any weapon above
God has given one weapon common to all
Lies beneath which the other weapons seen above.

This is the weapon of FAITH and DRIVE in SELF
On using which alone the other weapons come to play
This if deligently used would bring to fore
The other weapons seen above

And so God has given to everyone on earth
A powerful weapon to use in life.
Use it we should with malice to none
Only then we shall succeed in reaching the goal.

Composed by BAIYU-------05 Jan. 2011